Our Day at Bing Ads Connect

On January 21st, our Marketing team (Brenda, Rachaelle, and Ryan) made its way to the Bing Ads Connect event at the Venture Hive in Miami. It was a great experience and we learned a lot, here are a few of the highlights from our trip!

The day started early with a morning walk in Bayfront Park accompanied by a colada (cuban coffee) and a great view!

We then made our way to the Venture Hive which is known as an “innovation center” that was founded to be a spot for start-ups and entrepreneurs to meet and share ideas about the tech industry.

To kick off the event, we were greeted by snacks, coffee and some Bing experts who spent the first hour going over the benefits of using the Bing search platform. We also discussed how good Bing is at helping both marketers and businesses reach their audience.

One really interesting take away that we got was how the audience is much more important than just the keywords. Too often we try to determine which keywords can drive people to our sites, instead we should think of who our prospective audience is and build a persona around that. This really makes determining keywords a lot easier and more strategic. Cool stuff, and a really interesting way to go about SEO and PPC marketing.

They also taught us some very important statistics about Bing Ads:

  • Bing has a 29% market share
  • Statistically lower CPC than Google
  • 62% of users spend more than Google Searchers

Now that our opening session was over, it was time for our Bing Accreditation Exam!


Thankfully, we all passed!


We then got to celebrate with some lunch and more coffee before the last session.

The last session was a much more in depth look at Bing and what kind of analytic features it has, as well as what kind of features are on the way. We learned a lot about how User Experience factors into your site’s quality score and how much that can affect your ad rank along with CPC. In fact, now is the time to make sure that your site is responsive and usable on a mobile device because that will be a big factor in determining your site’s quality score for Bing.

All in all, it was a great trip to Miami, we learned a lot and are now all Accredited in Bing Ads! So, if you are interested in how you can get the most out of your online marketing campaigns, give us a call and we can help you go over your goals and develop a strategy that is catered to your needs.