Video Series: Do You Have an Ugly Baby Website

No one wants to tell someone their baby is ugly. The same goes for ugly websites. Brent Haeseker takes you through the questions you should be asking yourself to determine if customers are actually pleased with your website or if it may be time to redesign. Full...

Video Series: Why Visuals Matter Online

A website with all text is boring and can turn away potential customers. In this video, our web consultant, Brent Haeseker, shows why it is important to utilize images and concise text in order to maximize the impact of your site.   Full Transcription: Brent...
10 Reasons You Should Hire a Web Design Agency

10 Reasons You Should Hire a Web Design Agency

There’s no argument — a website for your business is a must. However, with so many do-it-yourself website solutions out there, many business owners think there’s no need to hire a professional web designer. While organizations can do just fine with a homemade...

10 Biggest Mistakes On A New Business Website

Creating a new business website is an important step in an organization’s marketing plan. However, many times businesses make some common mistakes that can make the new website clumsy at best and ineffective at worst. Here are a 10 of the biggest mistakes to...