The Ultimate Question: Are Facebook Ads Worth It in 2024?

At NetSource Technologies, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate the evolving landscape of Facebook advertising. With the question “Are Facebook Ads Worth It in 2024?” at the forefront, we’re going to dive into the recent changes to Facebook ad objectives and Facebook ad types.

Facebook ads being used as a digital marketing strategy

Are Facebook Ads Worth It for Your Business?

Understanding Meta’s Changes to Facebook Ad Objectives

The recent changes to Meta Ads Manager, formerly Facebook Ads Manager, streamlined the original 11 ad objectives into six focused categories—awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion, and sales. These were designed to better align with specific business goals. These updates maintain all the functionalities you’re accustomed to, just reorganized for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Are Facebook Ads Worth It with the New Facebook Ad Types?

Our Meta-certified social media team is closely monitoring the rollout of these new campaign objectives to ensure we can leverage them effectively. As experts in Facebook advertising, NetSource Technologies is here to guide you through these updates, helping you understand their implications and how to use them to your advantage.

In our discussions, we will cover the array of Facebook ad types, formats, objectives, and placements, providing insights into how each can be optimized for your marketing needs. Our goal is to ensure you have all the tools and knowledge necessary to answer the critical question: “Are Facebook ads worth it?” With NetSource by your side, you can confidently navigate these changes and continue to achieve outstanding marketing success on Facebook.

The new ad objectives that beg the question, are Facebook Ads worth it?

Facebook Ad Types & Facebook Ad Objectives for Campaigns

Choosing the correct Facebook ad optimization is essential to enhance campaign performance across various objectives. A Facebook campaign is structured as a series of ad sets and individual ads, all geared towards achieving a singular, clearly defined objective, be it driving website traffic, generating leads, or increasing sales. Each campaign houses multiple ad sets, which, in turn, contain various ads, allowing for detailed targeting and budget allocations.

Understanding Different Facebook Ad Types

Facebook offers a range of ad formats to meet various marketing objectives and reach specific audiences effectively. Whether you’re looking to drive sales, increase engagement, or boost brand awareness, understanding the unique features and benefits of each ad type is crucial. From single images and videos to more complex carousels and dynamic ads, each format has strengths in different campaign goals. As experienced Facebook ad experts, our team can recommend the most effective Facebook ad types for your business. Note that Facebook ad types and Facebook ad formats vary by optimization and ad placement. While Meta continuously changes and updates their Facebook ad types, we will break down the current Facebook ad formats below.

Single Image, Video, or Slideshow Ad Types

For straightforward messaging, the ‘single image or video’ ad is ideal. This ad type reaches your audience using a static image, video, or slideshow.

Flexible Facebook Ad Format

The ‘Flexible’ ad format is particularly efficient, as it automatically optimizes and displays your ad in the configuration most likely to achieve the best results, based on predictive analytics.

Facebook Carousel Ads

If you want to showcase multiple products or tell a more comprehensive story, the ‘Carousel’ format is excellent, with its ability to present two or more scrollable images or videos.

single video Facebook ad for an RV dealership
Facebook Carousel ad for a Florida home builder

Collection Facebook Ad Format

For a more engaging and immersive experience, consider the ‘Collection’ ad type. This format groups related items and presents them in a full-screen mobile layout, drawing users deeper into the interactive content.

Each Facebook ad format is designed to cater to different campaign needs and ad objectives. Ad format influences audience interactions, so it is important to choose the best Facebook ad type for your goals.


Understanding Facebook Ad Objectives

A Facebook ad objective is the primary goal you set for your advertising campaign on Facebook. Facebook ad objectives are crucial as they guide how your ads are optimized and how success is measured. Meta’s ad auction system uses these objectives to optimize the delivery of your ads to meet specific business goals effectively. Each objective is strategically designed to target particular user actions and responses, ensuring that your ads reach those most likely to take the desired action. This focus on ad campaign optimizations maximizes your investment by aligning your ads with your business’s most important outcomes.

From increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to generating leads and enhancing sales, each Facebook ad objective is tailored to different stages of the customer journey. Here is an overview of each Facebook ad objective and the various Facebook ad formats that are available per ad type after the newest updates.


Designed to generate interest and expose your brand to a new audience.


Awareness Ad Formats
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel
  • Collection


Focuses on driving visitors to a destination, such as a website or app.


Traffic Ad Formats
  • Flexible
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel
  • Collection


Aims to increase interactions on your Facebook posts or page, vital for fostering community or promoting events.


Engagement Ad Formats
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel


Built to collect information from prospects, useful for lead nurturing and conversion.


Leads Ad Formats
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel

App Promotion

Encourages more installations of your mobile application.


App Promotion Ad Formats
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel


Drives purchases, either within Facebook or on an external site.


Sales Ad Formats
  • Single image or video
  • Carousel
  • Collection

By selecting the appropriate campaign objective, businesses can better align their advertising efforts with overarching marketing goals, ensuring a higher ROI and more effective use of the advertising budget. Understanding and leveraging these options allows for optimized ad performance, maximizing both reach and results.

Measuring Success: Key Facebook Ad Metrics We Track

trend graph of reach and landing page views to help answer are Facebook ads worth it

At NetSource, our Facebook ads specialists focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals and ad optimizations. By monitoring essential metrics, we ensure that each campaign reaches your target audience and gets you the results you’re looking for. This focused approach helps us understand user engagement and evaluate the overall effectiveness of your ads, driving better results and higher returns on your advertising spend.

Depending on your business goals and Facebook ad optimizations, we track several key performance indicators for ad performance. These key metrics include:


Landing Page Views

This metric counts when a user visits the landing page linked from your ad and stays long enough for it to register as a view. This metric is more insightful than mere link clicks as it measures meaningful engagement with your site content.


This measures the total number of times your content is displayed to users. Impressions can be either organic, from your Facebook page followers, or paid, sponsored content. Tracking impressions helps gauge how widely your content is being seen.


Reach quantifies the total number of unique users who have seen your ad or content. Unlike impressions, reach indicates the spread of your campaign across the Facebook user base, ensuring you’re not repeatedly targeting the same users.

CTR (Click-Through Rate)

CTR is a critical metric representing the percentage of users who clicked on your ad out of the total who saw it. A higher CTR indicates that your ad is compelling and relevant to your audience, prompting them to learn more or take specific actions.

Website Leads

This metric tracks the number of leads generated through website forms submitted by users. It is vital for assessing the effectiveness of your ad in generating potential customer inquiries or sales leads.


In our ads, this measures the number of phone calls initiated from your website as a direct result of ad interactions. This metric is especially important for businesses that rely on direct communication with customers for sales or services.

The Evolving Landscape of Facebook Advertising

At NetSource Technologies, we’re keenly aware of the evolving landscape of Facebook advertising, which presents both exciting opportunities and challenges. As experts in digital marketing, we recognize the importance of social media for businesses and its role in customer engagement.

Looking ahead, we expect significant changes in Facebook advertising, influenced by social virality and evolving market demands. As privacy rules tighten and cookies become less prevalent, we foresee a greater focus on personalized advertising. Driven by advanced data analytics, this shift will allow for sharper targeting and more effective campaigns.

Brands must engage their audiences with relevant, timely, and dynamic content. The rise of advanced AI technologies demands authenticity. It’s essential for brands to intensify their efforts to maintain integrity, build consumer trust, and ensure authentic communications.

Additionally, ongoing regulatory changes are reshaping the delivery mechanisms of PPC and social media ads. Choosing the right social media platforms for your business will become increasingly vital. Our team at NetSource is committed to managing these complexities, crafting strategies that comply with legal standards, and effectively engaging target audiences. This proactive approach guarantees that our clients’ advertising efforts stay compliant and successful in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Trust Our Facebook Ad Agency to Transform Your Marketing

The landscape of Facebook advertising continues to evolve, driven by shifting regulations and market dynamics. At NetSource Technologies, we stay ahead of industry changes to ensure your Facebook advertising strategies remain flexible and effective.

Our Meta-certified social media team is dedicated to leveraging their Facebook ad expertise to enhance your ad effectiveness. From increasing brand awareness to driving traffic and boosting sales, we’ll ensure your Facebook ad objectives are optimized efficiently.

Additionally, we are more than a Facebook ad agency. We are a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in website development that aligns and optimizes your entire online presence. We offer a wide range of other services that can further enhance your Facebook advertising and digital marketing efforts.

By integrating these services, we deliver a holistic marketing strategy that boosts your online presence and engages your audience effectively. This integrated approach maximizes your ROI and transforms your digital strategies into powerful tools for business growth.

With NetSource by your side, you’re equipped not only to navigate the current landscape but also to capitalize on future opportunities in digital advertising. Let us help you turn these challenges into your competitive advantage, ensuring that your business thrives now and in the future.

our agency winning awards for successful Facebook ads and website designs

Turn website traffic into sales!

Contact a Digital Marketing Specialist more information on how NetSource Technologies can assist you in meeting your sales goals for 2021 and beyond!