Update Your WordPress Website!

As the owner or administrator of a WordPress-based website, one of the important things you need to keep in mind is that the software powering your site isn’t a static creation that you can just forget about after the initial installation. WordPress – and...

The blinding science of A/B testing

Let’s suppose for a moment that after reading my last blog post, you’ve decided that your website (or pay per click ads) would deliver more value if you did some A/B testing to decide what worked best. Great. Now all you have to do is figure out what comes...

Turn online traffic into customers

After putting in place a well-developed marketing plan and generating traffic to your landing page or website, the next step is to turn your online prospects into customers. Improving your online conversion rate is a two-part process. Improve targeted traffic Before...

Don’t be surprised by customers

When you launch a new E-commerce web site above all else there is one thing you need to be ready to face: Customers. That might sound like a “Duh-uh” comment, but not every E-commerce operator is as prepared as they should be when their new store goes...