Make the Move to GA4

Make the Move to GA4

The ability to track your analytics on your website gives you a lot of information about what is and isn’t working for your business. Which pages are getting the most traffic? How have changes to your website affected your overall traffic? Google Analytics is...

The blinding science of A/B testing

Let’s suppose for a moment that after reading my last blog post, you’ve decided that your website (or pay per click ads) would deliver more value if you did some A/B testing to decide what worked best. Great. Now all you have to do is figure out what comes...

By the Numbers: Believe What You See

Contrary to what some people might think, website statistics were not invented by the Brothers Grimm. They’re not fairy tales, nor are they numbers pulled out of thin air by College Johnnies who want to show how smart they are. Website statistics are built on...